Tuesday, November 07, 2006


madonna, 1893-94
the aura-like lines around the model in this main motif from the frieze of life which ripple in a soft and suggestive rhythm, the half-closed and deep-set eyes allow us to sense the ecstasy of conception, the pinnacle of love but also an underlying pain. the red colour of the halo has the associations with both love and blood.

by munch - text by the munch museum


Anonymous said...

tava sentindo falta desse.

R... said...

deixei pra terminar a semana munch com ela.. ao mesmo tempo q tentei expor as variadas facetas do trabalho dele, busquei tb,de alguma maneira, exprimir com as pinturas o meu sentimento de cada dia. ele eh mto bom...

Anonymous said...

a quem vc vai dedicar a próxima semana?

R... said...

niguem em especial.. voltar aos posts mais espontaneos.