Saturday, April 29, 2006

oslo cruise - more pics

in this trip there were many nationalities represented and, for my delight, there was a constant and inevitable confusion of tongues. i tried to hang around with as many different groups as possible, but my most frequent company was a group composed by a spanish, a dutch, a german, an austrian and a brazilian. being with them meant also changing languages all the time and once, just for fun, we decided that everyone should speak its own language. in this opportunity even the frenchman nicolas from had joined us. it was really funny, specially for me, the only one to understand all the languages. that was our own private babel.

ryanke - nederland Posted by Picasa

katharina - österreich Posted by Picasa

thobias - brasil Posted by Picasa

anja - deutschland Posted by Picasa

paula - catalunya Posted by Picasa

henrik - sverige Posted by Picasa
my roommate. he wasn't directly involved in the mentioned group, but meant for me one more language.


Anonymous said...

Nice that u dont speak portuguese anymore! Now we can understand everything u´re saying!

Nelesi lalumen omentielvo!

R... said...

quentuvalyë nin esselya?